White Camphor Essential Oil 10ml


White Camphor Essential Oil smells fresh, intense and woody. Its aroma is somewhat eucalyptus-like due to its high cineole content.

White camphor Essential oil provides respiratory relief. It immediately relieves congestion of the bronchi, larynx, pharynx, nasal tracts, and lungs. Applied to the skin, camphor oil can help to relieve pain and inflammation.

It can help with Muscular Aches and Pains, Rheumatism, Cough, Bronchitis, Colds, Acne, Rashes, Parasitic Skin Infections, Contusions, Bruises and Insect Repellent.

Latin Name : Cinnamomum Camphora. Part of Plant Used : Wood & Roots. Source : China. Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.

Do not apply undiluted essential oils onto the skin. Always dilute first with a base oil.
Do not take any essential oils internally without seeking medical advice.

The information on this website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or health conditions that require professional attention.
If you are pregnant, suffer from epilepsy, liver damage, cancer, or have any other medical problem, use essential oils only under the proper guidance of a doctor or qualified aromatherapy practitioner.
Always consult a qualified professional before using essential oils on children.

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